Best Skin Care products for Sensitive Skin

Actually, what the sensitive skin? How do I know that our skin types including sensitive skin types and as how to care for a sensitive face it? Consider the following explanation.

First, consult and ask your doctor about the condition of the skin as well as your skin type. This is the most effective and accurate way to ascertain the condition and skin type. According to expert dermatologists, sensitive skin types are characterized by the following signs such as acne, skin redness, itching, burning, and sometimes it feels dry.

What are the Causes of Sensitive Skin?
Various reactions that occur on sensitive skin arise due to various factors such as allergies or skin problems associated with the immune system (dermatitis / eczema, rosacea, and others), skin conditions that are too dry which tends to make skin irritation, too often exposed hot sun and cold air though.

How to Know Items Suitable For Sensitive Skin?
We will try a care product there are some tricks to know the allergic reaction will occur on the skin as the product is applied behind the ear and leave overnight. If it does not become irritated, try to apply again in the skin around the eyes is thin and wiry if there is an allergic reaction or not. If it does not appear irritation on the skin, then the products you can use. Avoid products that contain anti-bakery, alcohol, retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids. Choose skin care products that are specially formulated for sensitive skin.

Tip Face Care For Sensitive Skin
There are some things you need to consider in daily facial care routine for those who have sensitive skin, such as the following:
1. Choose a soap that does not contain perfumes, harsh detergents, and soap-free.
2. Immediately after cleansing, moisten the face with a special moisturizer for sensitive skin restore moisture.
3. Always use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15 and broad spectrum protection which can protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays. Choose a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.
4. For acne prone skin, choose products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid.
5. Eat healthy foods and balanced terutaman foods containing vitamin B such as wheat, grains, oats, and others.

On the face and skin irritation can be caused by allergic reactions to skincare products and cosmetics. Take care of sensitive skin with the right skincare products. I hope this tip about Best Skin Care products for Sensitive Skin helps!